Hi Nicolas/Ivan/Murali,
Thanks for the usefull suggestion.
I am also facing a similar issue where i am able to create the user on IDM UI using standard provisioning task - "create identity", however the user is not created in the backend system. Please be informed that the below scenarios are working for me:
1) Assignment/deletion of role from user loaded through initial load.
2) Change in validity and other user details for users loaded through initial load.
I understand from the above converstaion that the master privelege - "PRIV:<repository(corresponding to backend system)>:only" is to be assigned to user in order to create in backend system. But how to add this privelege to a user while creating from "Create identity" task from IDM UI?
I maintained account privelege as the master privelege on repository. Also, i maintained the Account<repository> attribute for the user(please refer attachment for screenshots on the same). However, the user is still not created in backend system.
Appreciate your comments on this.
Thanks and regards,