As I’ve looked at the various Agentry Clients for Windows Mobile, I’ve noted the filenames and actual versions delivered for the SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 not only differ, but seem to go backwards from the base. Here is a quick table of each of the SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 Agentry CE client version.
SMP Level | Filename Version of AgentryCE Client | Actual Version Installed |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 | 7.0.5 | |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 PL01 | 70.5.1 | |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 PL02 | 70.5.2 | |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 PL03 | 70.5.3 | |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 PL04 | 70.5.3 | |
SMP 3.0 SDK SP05 PL05 | 70.5.3 | |
So, apparently the filename delivered with the SDK has no true bearing on the actual version delivered. But the interesting part is that the “Base” version is and each Patch Level (01 through 05) delivered since has, by actual version number, downgraded the Agentry client. So is the “Base” version truly a more recent version of the Agentry client than that of PL05? If so, then the next PL that is released needs to be on at least that version. If not, then why did they back-rev the version numbers?
I would assume that PL05 is the latest, but since the version is lower than than of the "Base", I begin to wonder.